Better Health While Aging

Practical information for aging health & family caregivers

Latest Episodes

January 09, 2020
102 – Interview: The Importance of Grandparents & Intergenerational Connections

102 – Interview: The Importance of Grandparents & Intergenerational Connections

In This Episode: Dr. K talks with Kerry Byrne, PhD, a researcher and expert in aging and family caregiving, and the founder of


December 20, 2019
101 – Interview: Avoiding Holiday Pitfalls with Aging Parents

101 – Interview: Avoiding Holiday Pitfalls with Aging Parents

In This Episode: Dr. K talks with Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA MFT CMC, a past president of the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers (now...


December 12, 2019
100 – Interview: Bill Thomas on Ageism, Housing & Changing Aging in 2019

100 – Interview: Bill Thomas on Ageism, Housing & Changing Aging in 2019

In This Episode: Dr. K talks with geriatrician Bill Thomas, MD,  founder of They discuss what he’s worked on during the past year,...


November 14, 2019
099 – Flu Shots for Older Adults: What to Know (2019 Update)

099 – Flu Shots for Older Adults: What to Know (2019 Update)

In This Episode: Dr. K explains what all older adults and family caregivers should know about annual vaccination against influenza. She also reports on...


October 10, 2019
098 – Interview: Medicare Open Enrollment: What to Know & When to Switch

098 – Interview: Medicare Open Enrollment: What to Know & When to Switch

In This Episode: Dr. K talks with Michelle Allen, LCSW, about what all older adults and families should know about Medicare Open Enrollment and...


September 12, 2019
097 – Interview: Common Elder Law Issues When Helping Aging Parents

097 – Interview: Common Elder Law Issues When Helping Aging Parents

In This Episode: Dr. K talks with elder law and estate planning attorney, Mark Gilfix, JD, about common legal issues that come up when...

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